Saturday, September 4, 2010

Properly Attired

Today is the first Penn State football game this season.  We are a Penn State crazy family.  Not only did Mark and I meet at Penn State, both of our brothers are also alumni.  My parents had season tickets for many years and my brother still does.  As soon as we knew we were having triplets, it became a priority to have them properly attired.

6 weeks old
Mark could not wait to buy Penn State baby clothes.  He came home from working a basketball game while I was pregnant with 3 cute onesies and bibs.  They were 0-3 month size.  The first time the kids wore them they were about 6 weeks old and about 5-6 pounds.  The clothes were too big for the kids but we dressed them up anyway and took pictures.  That first game we were at my parents' house.  Mark was out of town for work.   We packed up and drove 6 hours because I was in a panic about being left alone for a week with 3 infants who needed to be fed 24/7.  It was kind of cool the first week, so we took more pictures the following game.
Ben still looked jaundiced at 6 weeks.

7 weeks old
When they were one, Uncle Rob started making it a priority to make sure his nieces and nephew were properly attired.  He came to our house after the first football game with tiny t-shirts and sweatshirts.  It was much harder to get them to stay still long enough to take pictures that year!
Katie, one year old
Abby, one year old

Ben,  one year old
The only way to get a 3 shot that day!
At age 2  Uncle Rob came through again.  As 2 year olds, the kids were more willing to pose.
Touchdown!   Age 2

At age 3, Daddy got back in the clothing game and picked up t-shirts for the crew.  The kids, however, weren't so cooperative for pictures.

As good as it gets, age 3
Today, at age 4, it is Grandma and Grandpa who furnished the clothes.  They were part of their birthday presents.  Although still a challenge, it was easier to get them to pose this year.
Age 4
Always have to end with the silly shot when you are 4!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The day Mommy let us get muddy

Yes, I am normally one of "those moms."  The kind that doesn't really like their kids to get too dirty.  I know I'm not the only one.  Some moms I know have different levels of clothing they have their kids wear so they only get dirty in certain clothes.  I don't do that, but AM guilty of often steering the kids away from activities that will get them messy. 

Today I let them get muddy. It didn't start our that way. We had another 90 degree day and weren't going anywhere. Since it is September 1st in Pennsylvania, there probably won't be too many more of these days. It seemed like a good day to let the kids play in the sprinkler.

They all ran in and out of the sprinkler at first, but soon Abby and Ben lost interest and began to play on the deck.  Katie kept playing in the sprinkler.

After about 40 minutes I warned the kids it was almost time to turn the sprinkler off.  I would let them play outside for a little while longer but then it was bath time.  They always have grass clippings stuck to them after sprinkler play so a bath is necessary.  Before I could turn the water off, Katie realized all that water had made some mud puddles and she started playing in one.  Usually I tell them to stop splashing, but not today.  Once Abby and Ben realized what was happening they had to get in on the fun.  It isn't every day Mommy lets them splash in the mud!

After I turned the sprinkler off it was time for damage control.  Everyone got hosed down, stripped on the deck, toweled off and marched right up to the tub.  They had a great time!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

First Sleepover

We spent most of the week after Mark went back to Charlotte getting over our colds.  By the next weekend we had recovered and had things to do.  Mark's sisters invited the kids to their first sleepover on Saturday night.  This worked very well because we had an Open House scheduled on Sunday and I could finish cleaning in peace.

The kids had been excited about the sleepover but as the time got closer Katie got nervous because she thought she was going to miss me.  However, after Aunt Vanessa called and told her she was going to sleep in a new sleeping bag she was fine.  Apparently a sleeping bag wins over mommy!

They had a great time!  McDonald's for supper, pancakes and bacon for breakfast.  They took 2 walks, watered the plants, played games, blew bubbles and had a "picnic" of fruit and chips on the driveway right before I picked them up.

In the meantime, I cleaned.  Putting 2 coats of polish on the hardwood floors was SO exciting!  They do look better, though.  I let the kids have one last ride on their ride on toys before they left.  I think the train we got from my parents' house after our other ride on broke is what was scratching the floors so bad.  Besides, they are 4 years old and getting big for them.  It was kind of bitter sweet for me.  They have had so much fun with those ride ons the last 3 years.  I think I was sadder than the kids, but they do miss them.
Ben on the train
Katie on the car

Abby on the rocket

While waiting for the first coat of floor polish to dry, I did manage to sneak in some fun.  I went shopping by myself.  OK, it was all stuff for the kids, but alone time hasn't happened much the last month.  I also picked up some take out from Quaker Steak n Lube.  No cooking and being able to eat without waiting on kids is a treat by itself.

Sunday morning I did the last minute cleaning and picking up for the Open House and picked up the kids.  They were very excited to tell me all about everything they did at the sleepover and show me the gifts Aunt Luciann bought them.  As with most sleepovers, there wasn't much sleep.  I had 3 cranky, tired kids.  Since we had to kill several hours, the first thing I did was drive around so they would nap.  Then we had a late lunch at Burger King where I let them play on the play area and a trip to Home Depot to kill time. 

The Open House wasn't very successful.  We had some people come through but none of them were serious buyers.  I love spending hours cleaning for nothing.  At this rate we may be living apart from Mark forever.