Saturday, August 14, 2010

Why we're moving

Mark has worked as a freelancer in television production for sports his entire adult life. He used to do camera but for many years now he has done graphics. What that means is, if you are watching sports on TV, most of the words on the screen would come from him. Either running the machine or coordinating what does go on the screen with the operator. Since he was a freelancer that meant no benefits of any kind.
This job involves a lot of travel. He did Pirates baseball for 19 years. During baseball season he was gone almost 50% of the time. He wasn't gone as much at other times of the year, but a lot. When we were first married that wasn't a big deal. After all, I had lived by myself for years prior to getting married. That all changed when I got pregnant with triplets. As the pregnancy progressed, my ability to take care of my own needs decreased. Then the babies were born. Being home alone for as long as 7-10 days at a time with infant and toddler triplets was loads of fun for me. Missing his family was hard for Mark. He also had to work more days since I no longer work and we had 3 extra mouths to feed. I estimate he has been gone about 40% of the time for the first 4 years of their life. We were both tired of that situation.

In March he was told about a new job that was being created at ESPN Regional in Charlotte. He called me on the phone and excitedly told me about the job. It would be full time with benefits and not a lot of travel. However, we would have to move to Charlotte. Throughout the whole conversation I kept agreeing it sounded like a great opportunity but kept saying "I don't want to move to Charlotte." Fast forward almost 5 months later. We are moving to Charlotte. With more time to think about things and a visit to check the area out I agreed to the move.

Mark started his job 2 weeks ago. I am still here, taking care of the kids by myself. We are waiting for the house to sell. The real estate market stinks. I am not in a great mood these days. Mark has always been gone a lot, but at least I knew when he was coming home. I don't know when we are going to live together again and it is making me crazy. Or maybe taking care of 3, 4 year olds by myself is making me crazy. Either way, I'm ready to start the next chapter in our lives.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Our Friends Birthday Party

Last weekend we went to the 4th birthday party for our friends Lydia, Jennifer and Taryn.  We had a great time.  Mark has been bugging me to see some pictures, so here they are.

2 sets of 4 year old triplets

Ben loves icing.
Katie enjoying her cupcake.
Abby looked so cute in that hat.

Starting this blog

I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while.  This seems like a good time.  We will be moving (hopefully soon) and this could be a good way for friends and family to keep up with our family.  I'm sure they will want to see pictures of the kids primarily.  I don't intend it to be just a family blog, though.  It is my blog and I want to be able to express myself however I want.  It might be good for me to have an outlet to express myself.  Whether anyone will want to read it for anything more than kid pictures is questionable.  No matter.  I hope to have fun writing and maybe someone will read.